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The Bridge Council Announced

The Bridge Council have been elected this week and met on Thursday 8th October after school. They are:

BIRM: Fraser Mudhai 

BRI: Apinayaa Ramaman 

CAM: Cole Quin 

CARD: Osaruese Omogun 

LEEDS: Maciej Bokowski 

LIV: Chantal Kissi- Boateng 

MAN: Zack Probert Kayleigh Mitchell   

NEW: Daniel Fullford 

NOTT: Giovanni Di Pietro 

OXF Emannuella Boadi 

UCL: Shanice Rogers 

SHEF: Amina Nisa 

WARW: Elizabeth Pollard 

YORK: Ganehaa Guganesan 

It was a fabulous meeting and they came with lots of ideas to help the new Year 7s. Congratulations to all of them and I am looking forward to the work they will be doing over the next academic year!

Mrs Arnett, Student Leadership and Character Development