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Odd Socks Day

This week, students across the whole school have engaged in an anti-bullying week as part of the national campaign through the Anti Bullying Alliance. The Anti Bullying Alliance aims to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. Students have engaged in discussions during registration to raise awareness of anti-bullying and students have had a safe and open space to share and reflect on their feelings surrounding the issues of bullying. Students have also been exploring preventative strategies to support in promoting our culture at President Kennedy School that bullying will not be tolerated.

To start this campaign, students and staff participated in 'Odd Socks Day' to do something positive to counter the hurt that bullying causes. We wanted to help spread the positive message that it’s always possible to reach out and ask for help if students are worried about bullying and celebrate what makes us all unique.                       
                                                                                          Ms Wright, Teacher of Psychology