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Safer Internet Day 2023 - Tuesday 7th February

Safer Internet Day 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023 is on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations. about life online’. 

Top Tips for Parents and Carers

This Safer Internet Day make space for….

Make space for regular conversations about life online

Talk openly and frequently about what you are doing online and encourage your child to do the same. Talk about the positive experiences you can have online, share what you have done when you have come across content you did not want to, and how you dealt with the situation.

Make space for enjoying and exploring the online world together!

Play games, watch videos, and express an interest in your child’s online life. Celebrate all the opportunities that technology has to offer and show them what a great space the internet can be when used responsibly.

Make space for working as a family to agree expectations for going online

Talk to your family about the role technology plays in your lives. Establish rules and expectations that encourage meaningful use of technology, in the same way you set boundaries in other areas of your children’s lives. It’s important to review these regularly and adapt them for each member of your family.

Make space for learning about the apps, games and websites your child is using

There are lots of tools and guides to support you with keeping your child safe on whatever apps, games and websites they are using. Research age ratings, privacy settings, and safety features (like the block and report button) so that you are best placed to help your child should anything go wrong.

Make space for supporting and reassuring your child if things go wrong

Remind your child they can talk to you about anything. If something goes wrong, listen and respond with reassurance and kindness and stay calm. Work with your child to find solutions to the problem, perhaps by using the block and report tools or seeking advice from school or organisations such as internetmatters.

Mr R. Beattie

Designated Safeguarding Lead