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President Kennedy School Welcomes WCS Associate

President Kennedy School has been accredited with World Class status for a number of years, due to the high quality education we offer to our students. 

The World Class Schools' Quality Mark organisation assesses students against a framework of World Class characteristics: leaders, learners, commitment to achievement, workplace, community and knowledge and understanding. These are traits that our students, as young people, need to flourish and thrive.

The organisation provides unique, real-life work experiences, access to a lifelong peer support network and cultural opportunities that can take you beyond your local community, giving you the confidence to overcome any barriers to achieving your true potential.

Having taken on a new World Class Associate role this year, Miss Tovey, will mean that our students have even more opportunities to participate in WCS ventures, such as assessments and competitions that will enrich their character even further. Coming soon is a World Class Schools' club that any student from any year group can join. This will enable students of this school, to make a difference in the community that they serve, through communicating with other students on what you are passionate about beyond the walls of the classroom. A space to share your ideas and to make a change in the world. 

If you are eager to be involved in World Class Schools, you can join the Alumni Association now by going onto the World Class Schools' website:

Alternatively, if you are participating in World Class School activities outside of school, please contact: where you can take part in this year's re-accreditation! 

It is World Class students that make World Class Schools!
                                                                                                               Miss Tovey, Teacher of English