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Educational Opportunity for All

President Kennedy School is committed to Building Brighter Futures for our students, our staff and our Community. This commitment includes targeted action to address inequality and ensure disadvantaged groups are proactively supported to access the educational opportunities we offer.


We are working towards six Equality Objectives:

  1. To narrow the gap in achievement in English and Maths for disadvantaged students, and for those students identified as having barriers to their learning.
  2. To improve the performance of White British, disadvantaged and SEND students across the curriculum so that targets are met or exceeded.
  3. To improve the performance of High Attaining, including High Attaining Pupil Premium, students across the curriculum so that targets are met or exceeded.
  4. To increase the uptake of enrichment activities by all groups of students, including Pupil Premium students and students identified as having barriers to their learning, through the tracking of student participation in school activities.
  5. To improve the attendance rates and reduce the persistent absence of all key groups of students in the school.
  6. To provide the necessary support for students who have the most significant gaps in their learning as a result of the recent school lockdown.