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Examination Results

In 2022, students managed to sit their exams in GCSEs, BTECs, and A-Levels (unlike the previous two years which had experience Centred Assessed Grades). We are very proud of how students performed in 2022. The breakdown below gives an overview of how each cohort performed. However, there are plenty of individual success stories we would like to celebrate as well.

Key Stage 4 

For Key Stage Four, all GCSE exams are now given grades 1-9 (where 9 is the top grade).

Almost every single student (99.6%) secured at least one GCSE and 65% of students achieved 5 GCSEs graded 9-4 (or equivalent) including English and Maths. The majority of Year 11 students will progress to President Kennedy’s Post 16-Select to study Level 3 courses. We are also pleased to see the percentage of students achieving the top grades across their GCSEs increase from the 2019 results with 17% achieving grade 7+ in 5 or more of their GCSE subjects.

President Kennedy School was again among the top performing state schools nationally for academic progress.


 Please click here to access the school performance tables


Key Stage 5

Across A Level, 24.7% of our students achieved the top grades of A*/A with 62.1% achieving a Distinction+ across level 3 courses. We are also proud to say that 51.2% of students achieved at least an A*/B grade in their A Levels with 76.2% achieving a Merit+. This is an outstanding achievement and has enabled most students to secure their first-choice university place.


Please click here to access the school performance tables.

Our Post 16 results are especially pleasing as President Kennedy School is highly inclusive and welcomes a very high proportion of year 11 students to study in Post 16. Progress is measured from the end of KS4 to the end of KS5 and it is important to note that these were the first set of results since the pandemic (taken by a cohort who did not sit their KS4 exams). Given the strength of these results, all our students who applied to join Higher Education courses succeeded in securing an offer, and the vast majority secured their first-choice place. Students who have not chosen to go on to Higher Education have gained places on high quality apprenticeships or positions in employment.