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Student End Points



Measuring Impact

At President Kennedy School, we align our planning, delivery and evaluation of our Careers provision to The Futures Trust Careers & Enrichment framework, which is modelled on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance. In addition, we also use Compass – the careers benchmark tool as outlined in the Gatsby Benchmarks to assess and improve our current Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) provision. Our progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks will be reviewed regularly throughout the academic year to help us meet all 8 Benchmarks by the end of 2022.

We will monitor the impact of our careers plan and the CEIAG we deliver through:

  1. Pupil evaluation forms following careers events
  2. Pupil evaluation forms following careers interviews
  3. Feedback from students in all years through focus groups
  4. Staff feedback

All activities and policies are reviewed annually.