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Information for Students

Our school Careers Leader is Mrs Worwood. 

She is based in the main school building in the Year 11 Heartspace.   

Her job is to help pupils find out about their options for the future and make decisions. She also organises visits to colleges and universities as well as arranging careers events in school.

You can just pop in to see her at break and lunchtime. If you'd like a longer appointment, drop her an email at

The School has a Careers page for each year group on the Sharepoint (School Portal) site.  You will need to log in to access this: .  You will find details of a wide range of careers related events and opportunities. This area is regularly updated so make sure you check it on a weekly basis, so you don't miss out on any helpful opportunities.  

The school utilises unifrog,  an award-winning, online careers platform designed to connect you with your future career potential using a variety of resources.  All students have access to this excellent website for the duration of their time at PK and beyond.  How you use unifrog will develop as you progress through school. Although you will be allocated time in school to use unifrog, it can also be accessed from your mobile or through devices at home which will enable continue your career exploration.


All students and teaching staff have already been set up on There are number of short videos to help you get started using the unifrog site. 

If you are having issues logging into unifrog. There could be a couple of reasons for this:

  • Have you forgotten your password?  If this is the case, please visit and click on 'Forgotten your password'. This will get a reset password email sent out to you and this will allow you to create a new memorable password and get logged onto the platform. It might be worth remembering that these emails can get stored in the junk/spam inbox without realising, so please check these. 
  • Another other reason might be that it may be because you are adding unwanted spaces to the email address or password. Make sure you are typing in your details correctly to avoid any trouble getting logged in.
  • Another thing to check is whether you have signed up with a different email address to the one you are trying to log in with. Your user name should be your school email address.
  • If having checked all this you are still having problems please let your form tutor or Mrs Worwood know.

For specific information about potential pathways, students may find the links on the sidebar useful.

Outside of our school environment, the National Careers Service offers information and professional advice about education, training and work to adults and young people aged 13 years and over. Pupils and their parents/carers can access support via a website, helpline (0800 100 900) and web chat.