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Labour Market Information (LMI)

 Cov & Warks LMI summaryLabour Market Information (LMI) is information about what is happening nationally, regionally and locally in the job market. Labour Market Information (LMI) can help you understand:

  • what a job involves on a day-to-day basis
  • which jobs are growing or declining – for example, it is predicted that the amount of nurses will rise, but the amount of printers will fall
  • what qualifications or skills you might need to do a job
  • how much you might earn
  • how your interests and skills are relevant to particular jobs
  • what jobs there are in your region

The Infographic on the right gives an overview of LMI for Coventry and Warwickshire.  There is a more detailed summary available as a pdf download.  There is also a PowerBI dashboard produced by the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

This short 'Discover Your Future' video explains what Labour Market Information is, starting to plan your career journey and where to find out information.  

There are plenty of ways in which you can identify LMI in our local environment.  Here are some examples:

  • A newspaper article about the number of young people who are going to Coventry University this year
  • A chart showing how many people are unemployed in the Coventry area
  • A flyer for a new shop opening in the city centre of Coventry
  • A job advertisement looking for people to train as IT technicians
  • A conversation with a family friend about job losses at their workplace
  • A story on a computer games website about the growth of the games design industry in the Midlands
  • A vacancy search on the Jobcentre Plus website to see what kind of opportunities are available now
  • Things you’ve noticed about a company from taking part in a work experience placement


Below you will see the Careerometer which can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.
It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.
Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.

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Coventry & Warwickshire Careers Hub also publish a Labour Market Information Guide to help parents and students research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. Please find their guide below.