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  • Be part of The Futures Trust - Job opportunities

    Published 22/06/21

    For all information including application form and job description please click the link below:

    Cleaner job vacancy

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  • Become an Exam Invigilator!

    Published 27/05/21


    We are seeking to appoint Exam Invigilators to join our examinations team who are reliable, enthusiastic and flexible.

    This role is to oversee and supervise examinations as necessary throughout the school year.

    The successful candidates will also ensure that guidelines and regulations for the integrity and security of the examination papers and procedures are followed during examination sessions.

    Applicants will need to demonstrate a commitment to teamwork and have effective communication skills.

    Full training will be given.

    The link for the invigilator role is on WM Jobs webpage

    Closing date: Monday 7th June 2021

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  • May Half Term and Teacher Training Days

    Published 10/05/21

    May Half Term and Teacher Training Days

    This is only applicable to years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12

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  • Free Parent/Carer Session – SEND Travel Assistance Information Session– 06/05/2021

    Published 04/05/21

    Free Parent/Carer Session – SEND Travel Assistance Information Session– 06/05/2021

    In partnership with SEND Information, Advice and Support Service, The Coventry Travel Assistance Team will be running a FREE session for parents/carers on SEND Travel Assistance on Thursday 6th May 2021 (10:00 - 12:00)

    Please note this is not a drop in session.

    Representatives from the SEND Travel Assistance Team will be joining us to provide information around key areas such as; criteria, forms, processes, applications, appeals and eligibility.

    Please find the leaflet below (and attached) for more information, and for details of how to get in touch with us if you would like to book onto this session.

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  • Could you be a School Parent Governor?

    Published 26/04/21

    Parent Governor Vacancy

    The school has a vacancy on its Governing Board for a Parent Governor. 

    If there is a parent who wishes to stand as a Parent Governor, please either view the nomination information on the school website or contact Mrs Goodwin in school, either by telephone on 02476 661416 or by email to as soon as possible and the nomination information can be posted or emailed to you. 

    Nominations for the Parent Governor vacancy are to be received in school by    3pm on Friday 21st May 2021.

    Nomination form can be found by clicking on the Word attachment below.


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  • President Kennedy School Students are ‘A Tour de Force’ at the World Class Schools Quality Mark Awards

    Published 22/03/21


    'As a World Class School, our students had the opportunity to participate in the WCS Essay Writing Competition 2020. Tasked with responding to the following essay title 'What would the ideal education system look like?', students had to write an academic essay of 2500 words which addressed the topic in a creative and thought-provoking way. 

    Out of more than 100 World Class accredited schools, President Kennedy School came out on top in the virtual awards ceremony on Thursday 18th March. 

    Caitlin Hoyle in Year 10 was awarded the overall prize for her creative thought and the sheer amount of research that was evident within her essay.

    Gracie Rolinson in Year 9 also achieved third place due to the depth of her analysis and the inventive changes she proposed in regard to the education system. Both fantastic achievements!

    Since January this year, our teachers have also had the opportunity to nominate students for Student of the Month, a campaign only available to World Class schools. The following students were put forward by their teachers and received honourable mentions during the ceremony due to their intellectual curiosity, academic progress and drive to succeed: Abshara Piratheeban (Year 7), Zishan Farooq (Year 8) and Gracie Rolinson (Year 9).

    Finally, congratulations also to Mya Birdee, Harry Gilsenan and Eesha Gupta in Year 12 who were also highlighted in the awards ceremony for their work qualifying as Shadow Assessors. This means they will now be involved in assessing new schools attempting to gain WCSQM accreditation.

    A huge well done to all of these incredible students - congratulations!!
































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  • WBD - Students Dress as Favourite Characters

    Published 15/03/21

    This month, President Kennedy School held a competition to celebrate World Book Day.

    We asked everyone to send in a picture of them dressed up as their favourite book character. As you can see, we had some brilliant entries - in fact, the competition was so close that we couldn't choose just one winner! 

    Our brilliant students on the short list are Hannah Richards, Lexie-Mae Henton, Mellissa Stone, Arya Bassi, Cailey Rushton and Rebecca Furguson. They have won an Easter Egg each! Thank you so much for your fabulous entries. 



    Our wonderful competition winners are Poppy Nicholds and Neive Smith. They have won a £10 Amazon voucher each! Congratulations on your creativity.


    Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. We enjoyed looking at your brilliant entries so much! 

    It wasn't just students who got involved with World Book Day. The President Kennedy teachers were also feeling literary! Did you see our video? If not, you can find it here: WBD Video

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  • Year 6 - Journey to The Bridge...Transition Pack now available

    Published 11/03/21

    Please check this page regularly for updates!

    Please click on the link below for the Transition folder:

    Transition Pack

    Please be aware that all LIVE LINKS have been sent to Year 6 parental emails in order to join our Virtual Transition Evening Tuesday 6th July.

    Please contact:   

                          If you have not received the link or if you have any queries.                           

    Virtual Transition Evening - Latest  letter from Mrs Alexander-Weller

    Please see below the second video from Mrs Alexander-Weller

    Bridge Video introducing The Bridge Team and information on our Summer School

    President Kennedy Summer School 2021

    We are excited to be able to offer all of our new Year 7 students the chance to come and visit us this summer and take part in some great activities, as well as being able to make some new friends!

    It will also give them chance to look around our school, see their new classrooms, meet some of The Bridge staff, whilst having lots of fun in the process.

    We are planning a fantastic programme which offers a blend of academic education and enrichment activities to ensure that all students are secondary ready.

    We are having two weeks of Summer School this year; one week in July and one week in August. The dates are:

       Monday 26th July 2021 - Friday 30th July 2021

          Monday 23rd August 2021- Friday 27th August 2021

    Each day will start at 10am and will finish at 2:30pm.

    If you would like your child to take part, please Click Here for more information and to complete the booking form. All places need to be booked in advance and they are offered on a first come, first served basis. There is no limit to the amount of days that your child can attend. The more the merrier!

    The closing date for all applications is Friday 18th June 2021 .

    Getting to Know You!

    Dear Parent/Carer

    We hope that you and your families are all keeping well and staying safe.

    As part of our ongoing Transition programme, we would like your child to complete a special form called Transition – Year 6 Journey to The Bridge ‘Getting to Know You’ form.

     We would love to know a little bit about what your child likes to do and what they are most looking forward to, as well as what they are a little bit unsure or worried about, before we get the chance to meet them in person. You can access this form via the Year 6 – Journey to The Bridge website page, or Click Here to take you straight there.

    Every student that completes the form will receive a President Kennedy pump bag full of goodies for their first day in The Bridge!

    We shall look forward to seeing all of the comments and will use any concerns or worries raised in an FAQs online assembly very soon.

    Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any urgent questions for the Year 7 team, either by calling us on (02476) 661416 or by emailing

    Kind regards,

    The Bridge Team.

    Welcome Year 6 students and Year 6 parents.  

    I am The Director of The Bridge, Mrs Alexander-Weller, who oversees everything in Year 7. I have been at President Kennedy School for thirteen years and this is my fifth year as a College Director.

    This first year spent in The Bridge is such an important time for Year 7 students, as they embark on their career with us at President Kennedy school. We recognise this is a huge milestone for Year 7s and their parents therefore, we work closely with you to ensure every Year 7 student is settled and happy as they thrive in their learning. I achieve this with our fantastic team in The Bridge. Please read about The Bridge Team so that you are familiar with the staff that will be working with you and your children as we support them in their first year at secondary school.

    Please explore the website further and view our 3D school. This will allow your children to familiarise themselves with the building virtually and become comfortable with the new surroundings before they arrive.  

    We will continue to update the latest transition information here.

    We look forward to a time when we can invite you in, but until we get the opportunity to meet in person, please continue to explore our website for the latest Transition information or contact: if you have any queries regarding your child starting with us in September 2021. 

    Meet The Bridge Team


    Please see the latest letter from 

    Mrs Alexander-Weller:


    Year 6 - Journey to The Bridge Video.....

    Meet the Team!

    Please click on the link below to browse through our Welcome Pack.


    Virtual Tour of The Bridge! 

    Dear Parents/Carers and our New Year 7 Students,

    We are excited to launch our new “Virtual Tour” of President Kennedy School and The Bridge. We hope that you enjoy it too! Join us as we guide you around our school building and see lots of people that you will get to know over the next few months.

    We cannot wait to show you around in person, but for now we hope that this will help you feel part of The Bridge family. The Bridge Team.

    Click the link below to start your journey! 

    Virtual Tour of The Bridge!

    Our 3D School

    Click on the link below to experience “Our 3D School”.

    This will let you explore the ground floor and includes a tour of The (Year 7 area). You can also see the canteen, main hall, technology and music rooms.

    We are currently working to add more of the school to this ongoing project.

                                Link to The Bridge page:                               

    The Bridge  

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  • World Book Day! A Surprise Video...

    Published 04/03/21

    A little surprise from the staff at President Kennedy School...enjoy!


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  • Lateral Flow Testing in School - Arrangments for W/C 8th March 2021

    Published 03/03/21

    LFT Testing Arrangements for Next Week

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  • Update on the Summer Exams for 2021

    Published 02/03/21

    Update on the Summer Exams for 2021

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  • Re-Opening of Schools - Important Notice

    Published 25/02/21

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    I hope that you and your families are keeping well and staying safe.

    Please find attached an important letter from the Headteacher regarding the re-opening of schools from w/c 8th March 2021.

    Kind regards,                                                                                                                            President Kennedy School.


    To access the survey for Covid-19 testing, please click Here

    For any enquiries, please click Here


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