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  • World Class Essay Writing!

    Published 09/11/20
    World Class Essay Writing! Each year, students from both Years 9 and 10 have the opportunity to take part in the World Class Schools’ Quality Mark Essay Writing Competition. This annual competition gives World Class students the opportun
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  • Post 16 Leadership

    Published 09/11/20



    After a rigorous selection process involving applications and interviews, we have selected four Post 16 students on to the Post 16 Student Leadership team. The following students have being selected:

    Head Girl: Amelia Bassnett

    Head Boy: Nasim Sherif

    Deputy Head Girl: Ellen Boakye

    Deputy Head Boy: Mohammed Hejaaji

    Congratulations to all four students. They will act as Ambassadors for President Kennedy moving forward through an extremely uncertain period. They have also highlighted projects they would like to undertake both within school and in the wider community (restrictions permitting) and this will involve working with college councils across the whole school. They will also run Post 16 College Council meetings and represent the student body as a whole. I know they will do a fantastic job.

    Mr Finlayson, Leader of Enrichment

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  • Letter of reassurance from the Local Authority regarding the current COVID-19 situation. Translations available here.

    Published 05/11/20


    For translations of this Local Authority Letter in Urdu, Arabic, Italian, Kurdish, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian and Russian please see the PDF listed below.

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  • The Bridge Council Announced

    Published 19/10/20

    The Bridge Council have been elected this week and met on Thursday 8th October after school. They are:

    BIRM: Fraser Mudhai 

    BRI: Apinayaa Ramaman 

    CAM: Cole Quin 

    CARD: Osaruese Omogun 

    LEEDS: Maciej Bokowski 

    LIV: Chantal Kissi- Boateng 

    MAN: Zack Probert Kayleigh Mitchell   

    NEW: Daniel Fullford 

    NOTT: Giovanni Di Pietro 

    OXF Emannuella Boadi 

    UCL: Shanice Rogers 

    SHEF: Amina Nisa 

    WARW: Elizabeth Pollard 

    YORK: Ganehaa Guganesan 

    It was a fabulous meeting and they came with lots of ideas to help the new Year 7s. Congratulations to all of them and I am looking forward to the work they will be doing over the next academic year!

    Mrs Arnett, Student Leadership and Character Development

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  • Secret Science Homework Project

    Published 19/10/20

    Science is all about discovery. It is about being able to challenge what you know and propose new ideas. It is about being creative and imaginative about the world around us. With this in mind, this year I am giving the chance for my Year 7 students to do exactly that: to discover, to experiment and to push their limits. 

    I have developed an idea that I called "Secret Homework".
    This is an optional project unannounced in lessons that students can find in a "treasure hunt style" and then carry out of their own initiative. This time, they had to become YouTubers and produce a video to explain the topic of food chains and food webs that we were studying in class. 

    I have to say that I am genuinely blown away by the amazing response this project had. The number of students that have completed the challenge was incredible, despite being a voluntary activity. The results were fantastic, exceeding any possible expectations that I could have ever had! 

    The creativity shown by Freya Pearson, using her own teddy animals to show how food chains and food webs work in different ecosystems (including the Jurassic era) in an eight minute video, full of brilliance and a superb understanding of every single process. The accuracy of Cordellia Akata and Abshara Piratheeban in a video in which they did not leave any details behind, including ideas that I had not even taught in my lessons. 

    A real YouTube-style display produced by Karini Sutharsan, not only applying all her knowledge but also even asking for likes and subscriptions for "her own science channel" at the end of her video. And a super fun video by Ozzy Omogun, explaining food webs riding his segway. 

    My first prize was awarded to the stunning video produced by Ethan Moongo and Fares Mudhai. This was a video of real (and I cannot emphasise enough how real) professional YouTube looks and standards. I have used videos in lessons from YouTube that are not even close to the quality of this video. It had its content perfectly scaffolded; it was packed with images and diagrams that made it easy to follow, even if it was the first time you approached the topic. This video was so good that it even caught Ms Alexander's attention as she was walking through the corridor. Her reaction when she found out that this video was actually produced by these two Year 7 students was memorable. "I cannot believe you made this! This is so impressive! It looks professional!", she said in amazement. 

    Another special mention should be given to Apinayaa Ramanan, who wrote over 300 words about food chains and food webs and asked for feedback, after which she redrafted and upgraded her work to a whopping 700 words before she recorded her video. A true display of determination and perseverance ,pursuing excellence. All the core values in The Bridge shown in just one example.

    I said at the beginning of the year that my R4s would be very difficult to obtain. However, they are giving me no choice so far. It is crystal clear that we have a stellar new Year 7 cohort, full of ideas and creativity, and with the potential to face even the most prestigious YouTubers. 

    I cannot wait to see what these students do next!

    Mr Ferrater, Teacher of Science

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  • D of E Awards Through Lockdown

    Published 22/09/20

    Although many students have not been in school, a number of Year 10 and Post 16
    students have managed to continue to work towards their Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

    When the country went into lock-down, the awards body changed some of the guidelines to allow students to do their volunteering from home helping family members. Students could also change their chosen activity as many times as they
    wished. This has meant that students which had been helping out in school with after school clubs, could then continue their service at home.
    If a student managed to complete all of their 'Volunteering, Physical and Skill Service', they will now gain a ‘Certificate of Achievement’ which is sent directly to the student.

    Students that have already gained this certificate during the lockdown period are Harman Aujla, Lucy Dillion-Gray, John-William Hinde and Myah Saghir from Year 10.  A number of other students are also very close to acquiring this new award.

    A big well done to all students that have continued to work towards their DofE award.

    Miss Kirkham, Leader in Charge of the Duke Of Edinburgh Award

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  • Year 6 coming into Year 7 Assembly

    Published 15/09/20


    This was the assembly given by the Director of The Bridge, Mrs Alexander-Weller, for the Year 6 students coming into Year 7 this September. 




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  • GCSE Exam Results Day!

    Published 20/08/20

    Year 11 students have been celebrating terrific and well deserved GCSE results today. Congratulations to all for their hard work and dedication over the last two years; we look forward to working again with those staying on at school from September and wish those leaving us for pastures new all the best for the future.

    Mr Clayton, Headteacher











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  • A Level Results Day

    Published 13/08/20

    Students and staff at President Kennedy School are celebrating A level results which have ensured students are going on to study at university.
    Students at President Kennedy School can study A levels in an unusually wide range of subjects including more traditional academic subjects and vocational subjects.

    Just A Few of This Year's Individual Success Stories

    Mimi Avworo will be attending Imperial College London to study Physics with a year abroad.

    Navpreet Bains  is off to University of Warwick and will be studying Sociology and Criminology.

    Shereen Musawi is going to King's College London, University of London to study Business Management.

    Zohaib Malik will be moving on to the University of Warwick to practice Law.

    Isha Patel will be attending London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London to study Economic History with Economics.

    Leah Willock is going to the University of Manchester to study Ancient History and Archaeology.

    Melicka Ghafouri will be attending UCL (University College London) to study Economics

    James Lee-Jones will be moving on to Imperial College London to study Mathematics and Computer Science







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  • President Kennedy School Ranked Again as One of Coventry's Top Performing Schools!

    Published 16/07/20

    President Kennedy School has once again as one of Coventry's top performing schools.

    Scoring  5 star performance for academic progress, we continue to go from strength to strength! 


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  • SENDIASS VIRTUAL COFFEE MORNING on the 17th July. Does your child or young person have special needs?

    Published 09/07/20



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