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  • High School Musical at The Albany Theatre - Thursday 18th July

    Published 02/07/19

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  • Year 7 Football Team Win West Midlands Cup!

    Published 01/07/19

    The Year 7 football team completed a historic double on Saturday when they beat Bishop Ullathorne 2-1, to win the inaugural U12 West Midlands Cup, adding to the Coventry cup they had already won.


    President Kennedy School found themselves 1-0 down after 5 minutes and struggled to get into the game until a fabulous free kick from Daryl pulled the scores level.

    It was now all President Kennedy, and chance after chance was created before Michael Akata slotted home from the edge of the box. We continued to dominate, but couldn't find a third, which made for a nervy final few minutes, before scenes of jubilation at the final whistle.

    Well done to all the boys for a fantastic season.

    Mr Garlick, P.E Department


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  • Sir David Attenborough Congratulates Year 8 Students!

    Published 01/07/19

    Some excellent news in Year 8 Geography with my last project group.

    At the end of the last rotation, the group wrote a letter to David Attenborough to explain everything they had been taught in the Anthropocene topic and how shocked they were at some of the human impacts on the natural world.

    I posted the letter to David Attenborough and was thrilled to see a response!

    Miss Kirby, Geography Department










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  • The Sherbourne Fields History Project June 17th - 19th 2019

    Published 01/07/19

    It was a "Tudors" theme this year at Sherbourne Fields Special School as the annual History Project arrived.

    In brightly coloured period costume, eighteen of our Year 9 students arrived with an array of props and ideas ready to deliver. The result was great fun! For three days we helped to inform, entertain and educate Key stage 3 students at Sherbourne Fields.

    This was the 14th year of a project which continues to go from strength to strength. For the students at Sherbourne Fields; by their nature, a small group, there is always something special about new groups of young people who visit and support them. They thrive on the spirit and energy of President Kennedy students. For our own students there was a different sort of challenge; finding the confidence, ideas and personality to appreciate the individual needs of a wider society and help them participate and enjoy learning.

    This does not come without great effort and preparation. The group worked extremely hard in the weeks before the project to prepare stories and resources to help the young people they were waiting to meet. The team gave up lots of their own time to engage with this process; they built a Spanish Armada, a secret code, images and voices of the multiple wives of Henry VIII and a huge circumnavigation of the globe snakes and ladders game.

    Kitting themselves out in Tudor-style costume really helped to extend the learning of the Sherbourne Fields students, who rely so much on their sensory experiences at school. Our students successfully built on this to make them feel fully involved in stories about famous Tudors such as Elizabeth 1st and Sir Francis Drake.

    It was not just about stories though; there was also a time for music, thanks partly to Amy Cox and her ukulele, dance, cooking, artwork and sport. The week ended with a Tudor banquet with an array of entertainment and awards. It will, no doubt, provide lasting memories for all of those involved, as our somewhat emotional departure on the final afternoon should testify.

    Reflecting on the project afterwards, those involved saw a real value in this type of learning.




    Nida Mansoor wrote that "Visiting and taking part at Sherbourne was a really rewarding experience and it helped me grow in confidence. Additionally we all made friends and it gave us an understanding of how all students learn differently."

    Isma Nissa agreed with this adding "It was an amazing experience. I felt that all the children wanted to get to know us and befriend us."

    Dalton Perkins, who developed a particular love of Sherbourne’s "Soft Play" room, perhaps put it in its simplest form however, repeating several times over that it was "The best trip ever". His enjoyment was probably enhanced by the fact that it wasn’t really a trip at all and he was working all the time.

    The History department would like to extend its thanks to the team who worked so hard and all of those who helped by making props or assisting with costumes. The team were:

    Amy Cox, Eren Geridonmez, Harry Kavanagh, Nida Mansoor, Brooke Keogh, Dalton Perkins, Nikki Lazokova, William Tray, Isma Nissa, Roman Gill, Munirullah Bashardoust, Ryan Chand, Helena Saiju, Ola Dobrowolska, Holly Delaney, Matthew Taylor, Alyx Jenkins and Callum Ball.

    Mr Finney, History Department


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  • Year 7 Football Team Win Coventry Cup!

    Published 27/06/19

    Congratulations to the Year 7 football team who won the Coventry Cup with a 2-0 victory against Ernesford Grange on Tuesday night.

    Ernesford started the game well and were awarded a penalty after 10 minutes. Fabien produced a fantastic save which seemed to motivate the rest of the team.

    A goal from Rahim gave President Kennedy the lead which was soon doubled by Ethan, to put us in control.

    The final 10 minutes saw Ernesford pile on the pressure but the President Kennedy team stood strong to complete one half of what we hope will be a historic double with the West Midlands Cup final on Saturday. 

    Mr Garlick, P.E Department






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  • West Midlands Athletics Silver Medal Winner

    Published 27/06/19

    Congratulations to Rusciano in Year 8 who competed for West Midlands Athletics in the Mason Trophy on Saturday.

    Rusciano competed in the Junior Boys 200m, where he ran a personal best of 25.22s.

    He then ran in the 4 x 100m relay, where he claimed a Silver Medal, which is an excellent achievement.

    Mr Garlick, P.E. Department


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  • Enterprising Students Plan for Business

    Published 27/06/19

    Year 8 students Ruby Devey, Gugandeep Dhaliwal, Shujaa Khan, Callum Collins, Harley Sanderson, Anum Parekh, Nana Daffour, Aalyiyah Ansar,Harvenn Kaur, Tharshana Sureshkumar and Kyle Scalise spent a day at Royal Sun Alliance Insurance in Birmingham to learn about how banks finance small businesses and put together business plans for start-up businesses.

    The key enterprise skills students were focusing on were: Leadership, Presenting and Team Work. RSA Insurance is one of the world’s leading multi-national companies providing insurance and risk management for businesses and individuals across the globe.

    Before starting the business plans, students, in teams, had to consider careers in finance. To guide them, students had a tour of the office and an opportunity to interview RSA volunteers to discover the variety of job roles at RSA. 

    For the business plan, students had to outline their business idea, give two business goals and describe how they would use the start-up loan of £10000 to help achieve their original business goals. The business start-up ideas were a café, a delivery service, a shop aimed at teenagers and eco-friendly beauty products. 



    Students had to present their business plan to a panel of judges from RSA. They had to introduce their business and analyse how the first year went. Then they went on to discuss how they overcame any set back and finally discuss what skills they have learnt which are important to a start-up business.

    After a very difficult decision, the panel of judges awarded the café as the best business idea because:

    "The group developed as a team. They had progressed from being very quiet, to giving a very professional presentation. There was excellent evidence of research skills being used and the team also demonstrated good communication skills" D Hemming, Midland Regional Manager – Commercial Risk Solutions RSA Insurance 

    Aaliyah added "After going to RSA Insurance I have learnt that in business you have to negotiate and challenge ideas so that you can come up with a better plan. I enjoyed the trip, it was very helpful for when I study business at KS4.Thank you EE and everyone at RSA for making us feel welcome". 

    Mrs Petrak, Leader of Enterprise





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  • Parent/Carer Survey - Your Opinion Matters! Extended until Monday 30th June 2019.

    Published 20/06/19

    Improving President Kennedy School

    Dear Parents and Carers

    Please may I ask for your help in improving President Kennedy School?

    We are constantly trying to improve the education we offer the students of our school and are now at a stage in the school year where we need you to tell us how well you think we are doing and how we can improve the things that are important to you.

    I would be grateful if you could please spare some time to fill in the questionnaire and tell us what you think.

    The website address for your browser bar is as follows - please note the password is case sensitive.

    Link to parent/carer login:

    Parent/carer password: PKSP9961

    The survey has been extended and will be available for you to complete until the 30th June 2019.

    By completing the questionnaire, you will be telling us how you think we should be spending our time and resources, to make our school the best it can be for your son or daughter.

    Each completed questionnaire is vital in finding out what parents think. If you have more than one child at President Kennedy School, please complete the questionnaire for each of them. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will make a real difference to how we run the school and plan for the future.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Yours sincerely,

    N Clayton Headteacher

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  • Year 12 D of E Silver Expedition

    Published 19/06/19

    While most took cover from the rain of last weekend six Year 12 students embraced the challenge of the Derbyshire countryside and completed their silver DofE Expedition.

    The students started on Friday morning from Ilam Hall with little break from the rain all day and had a late finish at the campsite. Although the rain held off overnight, it had started again by the next morning. As a result, they packed up their wet tents and started their second days walk.

    Managing to find shelter in an old building for lunch was little relief, but the persistent rain did not dampen spirits and they all remained motivated to complete the challenges.

    The boys took great delight at the first sunshine of the weekend when they entered camp on Saturday night and were resourceful enough to use a tree to dry their wet clothes.

    Sunday morning started with an early alarm call by the donkeys in the neighbouring field. With the sun out all students were packed up and ready to start walking at 9:10am.

    Part of the route went along the Tissington trail and then across the fields to finish in the lovely village of Hartington.

    Well done to all involved!

                                                  DofE Leaders: Miss Kirkham and Mr Beattie




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  • Students visit Sir Jonathan North College for World Class Schools Reaccreditation

    Published 03/06/19

    On Wednesday 15th May, Harry Gilsenan, Isha Patel and Caidie Samra travelled to Sir Jonathan North College (SJN) with Mrs Sly to film their school for the World Class Schools (WCS) reaccreditation bid.

    The students had to film everyday life at SJN and showcase how they are a World Class School.

    Students from SJN had previously visited President Kennedy School on Wednesday 10th April to film our school. The visit was a success, with the students showing PRIDE in how they conducted themselves.


    Mrs Sly had this to say about the day:

    "As expected, the students were fantastic today. They have been extremely professional and also creative in their work. They dealt with some technological issues with cool heads and have said they are pleased with what they have captured.

    It has been a pleasure to have accompanied them today and Sir Johnathan North were very welcoming too, all students and staff we met were polite, friendly and accomodating."

    A special thank you to Zohaib Malik, Reyna Sandhar, James Lee Jones, Eesha Gupta, Mya Birdee, Gracie Rolinson, Maddie Birch, Millanpreet Grewel, Zayn Hassan and Ms Von Rabenau who supported with preparing for both of the days.

    Also to staff in the Bridge and Art department, Mrs Bamrolia-Timms who lent equipment for the day and to our ICT technicians who supported (and continue to support) the students with the technical side of the project.

                                                       Mr Ratcliffe, Teacher of Science and STEM

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  • Netball Champions!

    Published 03/06/19

    This netball season saw tremendous commitment and effort from all teams. All squad players trained extremely hard on Mondays after school, Tuesday lunch times and even before school on Friday mornings! All players worked exceptionally well during training and displayed significant progression in their skills and level of play.

    By the end of the season both Year 7 and Year 8 netball teams were on fire! After countless interceptions, effortless shots and commendable teamwork, Year 7 only lost 1 out of 7 games and Year 8 remained undefeated throughout the whole of their league!

    We are so proud of what the girls have achieved and we are now excited to announce that both year groups are now 2019 league winners! Well done all!                                     

                                                                           Miss Truman, P.E Department


                      Year 7 Winners                                   Year 8 Winners


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  • Our First Health Conference

    Published 20/05/19

    President Kennedy is now working in partnership with NHS Health Education England and Coventry University to raise the awareness of professional pathways into health care and social care.

    We hosted the very first "Health Conference" which allowed students with an interest in these career routes to have a hands on experience when meeting and working with healthcare professionals.

    The event was supported by ten different sectors including healthcare assistants, occupational therapists, midwives and nurses, to administrative apprentices and community emergency response teams.

    170 Year 8, 9, 10 and Post 16 students attended the day, which opened up new horizons and opportunities into careers of which they had not been aware. It also gave them exposure to a range of apprenticeship routes there are into health.

    One student said:

    " I didn’t know you could do an apprenticeship at degree level" and another, after working with a midwife changed their mind on the area of health they wished to pursue, as they now had a real understanding of what it was like to work in different sectors.

    It was a very informative and enjoyable day for all involved.

    Mr Dalton, Leader of Educational Pathways into Health












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