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News Stories

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  • Year 7 Football Team Make President Kennedy History!

    Published 18/03/19

    The Year 7 football team created some President Kennedy School history on Tuesday night by becoming the first boys team for 25 years or maybe ever to reach a West Midlands Cup final.

    Playing against Caludon Castle, the first half was a hard fought game with few chances. 'Cally' had a golden opportunity to take the lead from the penalty spot, but were denied by a fabulous save from

    Fabien. Rahim then finished a fine passing move from President Kennedy School to give us a 1-0 half time lead.

    The 2nd half was dominated by our boys, who went onto score 3 more goals through Kamran and 2 own goals.

    Final score 4-1 to President Kennedy School, well done to all the boys

    Mr Garlick, P.E Department

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  • LEAP Ensemble Workshop and Warwick Art Performance

    Published 18/03/19

    Congratulations to all the students of our Music Orchestra. They are continually working hard to develop their music making skills, ensemble skills, reading music notation and to play in both small and large ensembles.

    Recently they were fortunate to work with members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra which then led to a performance at the Warwick Arts Centre with part of a Symphony Orchestra.

    The students were fantastic due to their hard work, commitment and conduct and represented President Kennedy School in the best light. Well done to all!




    Mr. Channer, Music Department

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  • Students Visit the Houses of Parliament for World Book Day

    Published 18/03/19

    On Thursday 7th March, Team Brunel and Cloud 9 students were able to dress up as their favourite book character to visit the Houses of Parliament to meet MPs and perform to other schools.

    During the lead up to the day, all students had been rehearsing around 2-3 hours a week on their project, ‘Bringing Reading to Life’. It was decided to subvert the traditions of fairy tales into modern day interpretations. We had themes of gender, race and slavery brought to light and interpreted in a unique and engaging performance. Students worked very hard in all of these sessions to ensure that they would be ready and shine on the day.

    Students performed to a group of primary and secondary students whilst involving them in the outcome of their performance. They asked a variety of questions to allow the audience to engage and think alongside their performances. All of the performances were phenomenal. Chris Waterman, MP, emphasised the key issues raised in the performances and expressed how he loved what the students had done. Georgina Newton, Warwick Centre for Teacher Education, also agreed how astounding the students were and how bringing such wide-spread issues to life was thoroughly insightful for World Book Day.

    We were then able to listen to our Warwick colleagues and MPs read from their favourite stories whilst they were dressed up as that

    character. Chris Waterman also helped us to learn one of his poems from his new poetry collection.

    After this, we were all taken on a tour of the Houses of Parliament, where we learnt a lot about the history behind it as well as all of the people who had visited. One of the most exciting and memorable parts of the day was being able to go into the public galleries, where we had a snapshot of the debate going on around International Women’s Day.

    Overall, the comments we had from the organisers of the event about our students were absolutely astounding. They loved the effort that the students went to with costumes and their performances. Most of all, they commented on how well behaved our students were at all times throughout the day.

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  • KS3 Trampolining Team to Represent Coventry West

    Published 18/03/19

    Congratulations to the KS3 Trampolining team, who won the Sainsbury's School Games Level 2 Trampolining competition on Wednesday 13th February at Westwood School.

    They will now be progressing through to the Level 3 competition, representing Coventry West.

    A very well done to Demi McGregor for scoring the highest number of points for her routine within the KS3 competition and to Mahisha Khatun, who scored the highest number of points for her routine within the KS4 competition. A fantastic effort from all involved.

    KS3 team - Demi McGregor, Ella Ross, Skye Host, Emily Smith, Kiera Smith, Gabriella Townsend

    KS4 team - Mahisha Khatun, Casey Weston, Mia-Carla Hussain, Cherri Riley

    Miss Newbold, P.E Department

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  • President Kennedy School Students Take Part in Engineering Masterclasses

    Published 18/03/19

    For the past three weeks, Year 9 students Amy Cox, Yadunanthan Ravikanthan and Eren Geridonmez have attended the 'Royal Institute of Engineering' masterclasses at the University of Warwick.

    They have had the opportunity to build and test crash structures with eggs and program their own autonomous cars. They were introduced to new situations and had only themselves to rely on to problem solve.

    There has been a competitive side to each session and our students have been very successful in getting really involved.

    There are three more sessions that they will attend this month.

    "I really enjoy the way they teach you at University. I like being given a difficult situation and learning from my mistakes"- Yad

    "I enjoy the competitive side to the sessions"- Amy 

    "I love learning new skills and more about engineering"- Eren


    Mr Ratcliffe-Law, Teacher of Science and STEM







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  • Year 12 Student to Play for Warwickshire

    Published 18/03/19

    Congratulations to Jaskuran Hayer in Year 12 who has been selected to play rugby for Warwickshire U17s this season.

    Jaskuran started playing rugby in Year 9 at President Kennedy School and has gone on to play for Earlsdon RFC, and Coventry Schools as a Tight Head Prop .                                                                    Mr Garlick, P.E Department

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  • Harry Lovelock, Winner of the Armistice Poetry Competition meets the Lord Mayor of Coventry in an Award Ceremony

    Published 01/02/19

    On this 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the fighting of the Second World War, Coventry Lord Mayor’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation cordially invited all children who live or go to school in Coventry and were 16 or younger on 30th November 2018, to write a poem on the theme of peace and/or justice and/or reconciliation.

    Our Year 7 students thoroughly enjoyed participating in this event and spent a lot of hours writing and re-drafting their poems in an attempt to win the competition.

    It gives me great pleasure to announce that Harry Lovelock was joint winner with a Year 3 class from Keresley Grange Primary School.

    On writing the poem, Harry said:

    "I found the ideas for my poem by watching a documentary about the war on television. The documentary informed me about the experiences faced by the young men who fought in World War One. These experiences included six weeks of training before the war, being in the trenches in Belgium, duty on the front line and helping out away from the front line. It also informed me about the harsh living conditions such as being surrounded by rats, mud, suffering from trench foot and for the unlucky few, dying.

    I have also included the British troops helping the German troops to symbolise that we have reconciled now and that peace has been restored.      I feel privileged to have been chosen for joint first place in the poetry competition and I am extremely grateful."

    The judges said that "Harry Lovelock’s poem 'The Great Adventure' tells a story, it’s simple but effective, it has a natural rhythm to it, it was believable, it flowed well, the word choices were well thought out and we felt the author's own voice coming through. Also, it is fitting for the centenary of the ending of World War I."

    Philip Brown, Chair of the Lord Mayor's Committee for Peace and Reconciliation who organised this competition, said

    "We had such a positive response to this competition that it will now become a regular feature of the annual Peace Festival. In addition, next year we are hoping to have one of the winning poems set to music in order to create the Coventry Schools Peace Song".

    The Lord Mayor of Coventry awarded prizes, certificates and copies of the book containing all the poems submitted to the competition to the joint winners on Thursday 24th January at Keresley Grange Primary School.

    This was such a wonderful competition for Harry and other students to be involved in and a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Harry and the Year 3 students to meet the Lord Mayor of Coventry.

                                                   Miss Meyrick, Higher Attaining in The Bridge


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  • KS3 Netball Girls Impress Players at Established Club

    Published 31/01/19

    Last Wednesday evening, the KS3 netball players attended a trial at Bablake School for Henley Netball Club. This was a great opportunity to showcase their talents, as well as demonstrate their commitment and dedication that they already display at President Kennedy School.

    The session consisted of a variety of drills that put their skills to the test, followed by game play against competitive club members, who had been with the club since a young age.

    At first, the girls were nervous to play against such experienced players. However, once settled, their seamless performance proved how naturally talented our players are!

    We are delighted to report that all of the players have been invited to join the club after February half term.

    Well done all!

    Miss Truman and Miss Newbold, PE Department




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  • Year 7 Nottingham University Visit

    Published 31/01/19

    On Tuesday 22nd January, students from Nottingham and Manchester tutor groups went on a visit to Nottingham University.

    A fantastic day was planned which included activities like walking around the university grounds, interviewing student ambassadors and finding out about all of the different courses they have to offer.

    Students left feeling that university is definitely an option for them!

                                                                    Miss Yafai and Miss Bayton-Timms


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  • TASS Potential Programme

    Published 21/01/19
    On Wednesday night the students in Post 16 who are part of the TASS project in connection with Coventry University, took part in a series of fitness tests. They will now spend the next 4 weeks trying to improve before they retest in week 6. Th
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  • Year 7 Support Langar Aid Campaign

    Published 14/01/19

    During December, our Year 7 students showed immense generosity by supporting Langar Aid's 'Bag of Warmth Appeal'. This is a campaign to provide comfort to those who do not have access to winter essentials, especially those who are faced with homelessness and hardship during the winter months.

    In order to fill the bags, students and staff alike donated items such as hats, scarves and toiletries. These bags were distributed around the West Midlands to provide comfort and support to the homeless, isolated and vulnerable.

    I would like to thank all who donated. It truly made a huge difference in this cold weather.

    A special thank you to Rob Bromfield for his generous donation of shallots from our school garden.

    These shallots were used to cook meals for Langar Aid service users.

                                                                              Ms Birdee, HLTA The Bridge

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