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  • Open Evening 2023

    Published 05/10/23

    Open Evening was a great success, with many positive comments from parents about how we addressed their children, the interactive lessons, and the specialist knowledge of all of our staff.

    Our student ambassadors also demonstrated PRIDE, by showing visitors around the school and speaking about what makes President Kennedy School a part of the World Class Schools Quality Mark and what makes us a special community!

    #BuildingBrighterFutures #kennedykidscan

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  • 100 Talks for Change

    Published 03/10/23

    Year 10 had an incredible opportunity to meet Oly Newton one of the founders of '100 Talks for Change'. The aim of the project is to travel across the UK, delivering over 100 talks, in 20 days, to over 10,000 students which will not only impact those who hear the talks but will help raise money for some very special charities in the mental health space.

    Oly shared some incredible emotional experiences of his journey with his own mental health.

    He spoke about many pivotal points in his life including his experiences of OCD and how it became a barrier to his life as he grew up. However, Oly’s journey of how he overcame his challenges was incredibly motivational.

    His discovery of running enabled Oly to raise awareness of the importance of mental well-being and also contributed heavily to overcoming his own mental health challenges.

    To see him stand in front of 335 Year 10 students and speak with such vulnerability, yet with such passion, showed that anything is possible.

    For more information about the work that Oly and Daniel are doing, click on the following links:      @run4yourmind

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  • Maths Parental Workshop

    Published 27/09/23

    We had the first of our Maths Parental Workshops where parents had the opportunity to discover what teachers are doing in the classroom and why. 

    For a few years now, Maths has been taught using a mastery approach. This approach means that students get a much deeper understanding of the subject, rather than being able to memorise key procedures by rote learning.

    On the evening, parents were asked to attempt some questions that their child would have been presented with in lessons, which was thoroughly enjoyable for parents/carers and students. Parents also had a number of websites shared with them that are either used for homework, classwork or for pleasure.

    Feedback from the parents who attended the workshop was extremely positive with them really appreciating knowing exactly what their child will be studying until the October break as well as understanding the mastery approach.

    The next evening will be on 7th November at 3.30pm and 5.30pm. In these sessions, we wish for parents/carers and students to be looking at the work being done until the Christmas break and having a go at the mastery approach to Maths.

    We are particularly keen on keeping the student, parent/carer and teacher partnership strong; don't miss the opportunity to get involved and Build Brighter Futures for your children.

    Useful websites were shared for parents to use with their children (see below). Parents left supported, eagerly awaiting the next session. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mrs Dhanani, Assistant Headteacher
    Useful maths websites:   

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  • Welcome, Year 7!

    Published 07/09/23

    Welcome to our new Year 7 students!

    They all looked impeccable in their uniforms and demonstrated PRIDE from the moment they entered the school gates, to when they ended their first day here, at President Kennedy School.

    Students put their best foot forward by showing respect to those around them and engaging in their learning from the outset. Our teachers were incredibly impressed and the Bridge team are incredibly excited about what our new Bridge cohort will bring.

    We look forward to an exciting year with you all in The Bridge!                                                                                                                     Miss Tovey, Leader of the Bridge

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  • Excellent GCSE Results from President Kennedy School Students!

    Published 24/08/23

    President Kennedy School are proud to celebrate the excellent achievement of our Year 11s today as they collect their GCSE results. The school are thrilled to see that 77% of students have achieved a grade 4+ in either English Language or Literature and 72% of students achieving a grade 4+ in Maths. We are also happy to announce that 63% of students have achieved a grade 5+ in English and 51% of students have achieved a grade 5+ in Maths. Finally, 26% of students have achieved 7+ in English and 23% have achieved 7+ in Maths.

    We are also elated with those students who have achieved superb results. A huge congratulations to Isla, Gracie, Hiru, Naeva, Charlie, Yulia, Nihal, and Zara who have achieved grades 9 and 8s across all subjects. This is an excellent achievement, and we are glad to see their hard work validated by these results. There are many other students, who we could have mentioned in addition, who have achieved incredible results. 

    Finally, a huge congratulations to all those who have secured their places at Post-16, College, or on Apprenticeships today. We are looking forward to hearing and seeing your success in the future.

    Mr Lane, Deputy Headteacher

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  • Fantastic Results for Post 16 Students!

    Published 17/08/23

    President Kennedy School is extremely proud of what our students have achieved today as students’ hard work and perseverance have paid off. Below are some of the success stories we would like to share with you – but we could have easily ended up writing about everyone. Well done all – you are going to be great and successful in everything you do.

    A huge congratulations to Matthew Taylor who will be embarking on an exciting new chapter when he begins his studies in South Korea later this month. Matthew secured three A* grades in Maths, Further Maths and Physics, and will now start his course at the renowned Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) on a full scholarship. Matthew is one of three students from the US, UK and Canada to gain a place at this prestigious university.

    Ismail Rafique, who has shown continued dedication to his studies throughout his seven years at President Kennedy School, has achieved two A* grades in Maths and Further Maths and two A grades in Physics and Chemistry. We are delighted that he has secured a place this autumn at the University of Cambridge to study Medicine.

    Millie Mae Hendrie has been a student at President Kennedy School since Year 7 and was born with a rare inherited eye condition called Lebers disease so is registered as blind. She has never let this hold her back and has thrown herself into school life. She is adept at using her BrailleNote to support her learning and is passionate about her studies. We are delighted that she has secured a place at Warwick University to study Sociology.

    Karina Kaur will start her apprenticeship degree with SBC this October. Karina secured A grades in English and History in addition to a distinction* in Business. These are highly sought after courses, and we are pleased that Karina has achieved this for herself.

    Eren Geridonmez has gained an impressive three A* grades in Maths, Further Maths and Physics, and an A grade in Computer science. Eren is passionate about the practical applications of Computer Science and has secured a highly coveted place to study this subject at Imperial College, London this autumn.

    Heena Patel achieved an impressive Distinction* and two distinctions in Health and Social care. She will begin her studies in Health and medical sciences at the University of Warwick next month. Another great example of how hard work and perseverance pay off.

    Kody Murray – three B grades, studying Psychology at Durham. This is an exceptional achievement, and we know that Kody will thrive on this course.

    Aymaan Sajid obtained three A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. He has secured his place to study Dentistry at the University of Birmingham.

    Another huge congratulations to Dorin Boahene who obtained an A grade in Spanish and a Distinction and Merit in her Business studies to secure her place to study Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham.

    Marisa Jalloh obtained three A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. She has secured her place to study Chemistry at the University of Manchester. A great achievement and we look forward to hearing how she gets on.

    Nat McCoy obtained two distinctions in his Business BTEC and an A grade in A level Maths. He has secured a place to study accountancy at the University of Manchester. He will be a great asset to the course.

    Two former pupils who we worked with to make the P16 results day extra special for our students - Georgie Strang: McCloskey Made Events (for our balloon arch and easel) and Reyna Sandhar: Reyna Bakes (cupcakes).

    Today has been an excellent reminder that Kennedy Kids can and, as you can see, do!

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  • Ethics Conference

    Published 20/07/23

    Our first annual Ethics Conference proved to be a huge success. Students from Year 12 across the Trust schools attended and thoroughly enjoyed the range of workshops they could attend and the expertise of our guest speakers. 

    The conference began with two keynote speakers, Dan Belcher SSAT and Guy Rippon Aston Villa, followed by two workshops and a range of expertise in literacy, policing, marketing, charity, sustainable development, local and national politics and philosophy.  
    The conference was concluded by Peter Lantos, a Holocaust survivor, who gave students a captivating talk about his life story.

    What a fantastic event enjoyed by staff and students alike, and we look forward to hosting another next year.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mr Finlayson, Enrichment Leader

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  • Students Perform at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire

    Published 19/07/23

    A group of students from Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 had another exciting opportunity to develop their instrumental, ensemble and music-making skills. 

    The music workshop and performance were held at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and led by "National Orchestra for All", whose programme is about giving young people who wouldn't normally have the opportunity to rehearse and play in a large symphony orchestra, to perform with other schools and led by professional instrumental section leaders. 
    The performance was well received by the audience and the students enjoyed the experience of performing live. 

    I would like to thank all students; you were so engaged, focused, thoughtful, polite... not to mention being passionate in your playing! The NFA team said that they were genuinely blown away by the positive attitude you arrived with and maintained throughout a very enjoyable if intense day.  Well done! 

    Mr Channer, Head of Music

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  • Grease is the Word...

    Published 14/07/23

    The cast of GREASE took to the stage, at The Albany Theatre Coventry to a sold out audience. The atmosphere was electric and finished with a standing ovation. Each student worked so hard, demonstrated team work, kindness and determination. The amount of talent on the stage was unreal!! 
    What a show and what a cast! Massive well done all.

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  • Callum Wilson Returns to President Kennedy School

    Published 12/06/23

    We were delighted once again, to welcome ex President Kennedy School student, Callum Wilson into school.

    The current Newcastle United and England striker visited students during a PE lesson. The students were learning how to do shot put and were able to teach Callum the key technical aspects and teaching points on performing the activity with success. Raphael G was particularly confident with his coaching and helped Callum launch the shot about 20m!

    Callum then supported some of the Year 8 students and took penalties at Kamran, Dylan and Nash. The first two students both made great saves from Callum's strikes but Nash was unable to keep the third effort out.
    Word had spread that Callum was on site and many students (and staff), understandably, were asking for autographs and selfies from the football star.

    After a little chat with Mr Sheridan, who taught Callum when he was a student at President Kennedy School, it was time to leave. A final few students were waiting for Callum before he headed back home to Newcastle. 

    A wonderful afternoon was had by all and we look forward to welcoming Callum to school again very soon. 
    Thanks to all the staff and students who made this visit so memorable and contributed to a fantastic experience for all.      

                                                         Mr Sheridan, P.E Department

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  • Valuable Skills Learnt on DofE Expedition

    Published 22/05/23

    Well done to all 31 Year 9 students who took part in the Bronze DofE training day on Saturday.

    A first taste of the outdoor expedition, students all completed a short walk, learning valuable navigation and map reading skills from experienced staff volunteers.

    Students had a crash course in pitching a tent for a good night's sleep and folding it away correctly so as to keep it as dry and clean as possible for the next use.

    Students were also taught how to safely set up, light, and cook on a Trangia camping stove which they will use for all of their cooking when on expedition.

    The students engaged in all of the activities with a keen interest and enthusiasm, learning valuable expedition skills that they will use again after half term when they complete their final Bronze expedition.

    A huge thank you to all of the staff volunteers who gave their time and expertise to make this an engaging and valuable training experience for all of the students.

    Mrs Sly, DofE Leader

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  • The Lion King Junior - A Sell-Out Success!

    Published 17/05/23

    Year 7 students took to the stage in The Lion King Junior - The Musical.

    They worked so hard and showed such passion and determination.

    The cast performed to a sell-out audience over two nights and every student involved rose to the occasion.

    There was so much talent on stage - it was hard to believe these students are eleven and twelve years old with only five weeks worth of rehearsals under their belt!

    The finale show was complimented with a joint performance with the original Simba from London's West End, Roger Wright - a truly emotional performance.

    A massive well done to all - a very proud Performing Arts department!

    Miss Walsh, Leader of Performing Arts

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