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  • President Kennedy School Awarded Shakespeare Gold School Status

    Published 11/05/23

    The Bridge is delighted to have been awarded The Gold Award for their participation in the Shakespeare Schools Festival. 
    It is awarded to Schools who have performed Shakespearean plays over five years. 

    We have completed our 6th Year with an amazing performance of The Tempest, at the Belgrade in November 2022. 
    The whole process has, over the years, allowed students to engage with Shakespeare's plays with a series of workshops and direction by professional actors and has also given them an amazing experience of performing in a professional theatre; The Belgrade Theatre, along with other schools around the country.

    Mrs Arnett said, " This award is in recognition of all the hard work students in The Bridge have given over the years. We are grateful for the opportunity of being in the Festival every year and are looking forward to being part of it again next academic year!"

    Mrs Arnett, Student Leadership and Character - The Bridge

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  • Coronation Ready!

    Published 11/05/23

    At President Kennedy School I am subject Lead for Health and Social Care and teacher KS4 and KS5.
    Over the bank holiday weekend, I was selected to be part of the state duties team where the Scouts of the Commonwealth supported and gave service to our communities as part of the Coronation of King Charles III.   

    I have been an active member of the Scout Association and volunteered my time as an adult, for twenty eight years in Coventry.  As a scout, I have promised to do my duty to the King, serve my community and help other people, and it was a privilege that I could uphold my scouting promise during this historical event. As scouts, we live by our values of integrity; to be honest, trustworthy and loyal. Respect; for both self and others. Care: we are expected to support other people at all times. Belief: in all faiths and attitudes, and Cooperation; that collectively we can make a difference. 
    My role started on Thursday afternoon with briefings of the event and over Friday I was supporting ten young people from across the Commonwealth aged 18-25 to be ready for the event, one of which was from Australia who had flown here to be part of the Coronation.  

    Saturday started at 3am and we were based in St James's Park during the big screening of the Coronation. Collectively, we ensured that people were looked after, that they were able to find their way, and that everyone had an amazing day despite the inclement weather and the mud.
    The day finished back at the campsite at 7pm.   
    It was a huge honour to be a part of this team. 

                                   Ms Miller, Lead for Health and Social Care 

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  • President Kennedy School Welcomes Roger Wright, The Original Lion King!

    Published 27/04/23

    The cast of this Year 7s production of 'The Lion King', had a workshop with Roger Wright, the original 'Simba' in London's West End's production of The Lion King.  
    Roger worked with the students on their performance and gave great advice and tips. He followed by giving an inspiring Q & A session.

    The students also had the opportunity to sing with Roger one of the songs from the show, which was extremely moving. What an opportunity! Such an inspiring and fabulous afternoon. 
    Thank you, Roger, we hope our performance makes you proud. 
    Hakuna Matata!                                                                                                                  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Miss Walsh, Leader of Performing Arts

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  • HS2 STEM Day

    Published 26/04/23

    Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in a HS2 STEM Event in school delivered by The Small Piece Trust. The students in groups of 4 took part in activities that put their STEM knowledge to the test - they had to build a paper structure to hold a 500g weight no glue or tape allowed just paper. The highest structure a group of students managed was 66 cm tall. The teams were then tasked with designing and building a tunnel that would fit a toy train through and hold a much weight as possible, it also had to be at least 60 cm long. 

    There were many excellent designs, and the majority of the tunnels held some weight, but the winning teams tunnel supported 4.5kg of weight. Which is fantastic considering the only materials they had to build their tunnel were paper straws, scissors and masking tape.  
    Students learned about the UK railway infrastructure, railway construction, how tunnels are made and about all the careers involved in building the UK’s railways. 

    There were so many more careers than we could have imagined involved in building and maintaining railways from Civil Engineering, Data Analyst, Rail Engineer, Designers to Business Administrators and Solicitors. 

    The students really enjoyed their day and hopefully took away some ideas of the type of careers they can do with their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Skills.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Miss Worwood , Leader of Careers

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  • President Kennedy School Win Coventry Schools Rugby Festival!

    Published 30/03/23

    On Tuesday night, the Year 8 rugby team took part in the end of season Coventry Schools Rugby Festival. 

    This consisted five other schools in who all played each other in a league format. President Kennedy School beat Barrs Hill, Stoke Park, Coundon Court and Finham Park to set up a winner takes all game vs Bablake and King Henry VIII Schools. 
    This proved to be a close and exciting game with BKHS scoring first, before President Kennedy School went into the lead only for BKHS to tie level. As the game entered the dying seconds President Kennedy School broke from their own half and some excellent support play led to the winning try and jubilant celebrations by the Year 8 boys. 

    Well done to all the boys who have played this year. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mr Garlick, P.E Department

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  • Students Play in a Symphony Orchestra

    Published 30/03/23

    A group of Year 7, 8 and 9 students had an exciting opportunity to develop their instrumental, orchestral ensemble and music making skills during their visit the Midlands Art Centre (MAC).

    The event was led by the "National Orchestra For All" whose programme is about giving young people an opportunity to rehearse and play in a symphony orchestra.
    I would like to thank all students involved; you were so engaged, focused, thoughtful, polite... not to mention passionate in your playing! The NOFA team said that they were genuinely blown away by the positive attitude they arrived with, and maintained, throughout an intense but rewarding day. Well done!                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mr Channer, Head of Music

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  • President Kennedy Schools Wins First Prize

    Published 22/03/23

    On Tuesday, three students from Year 8 and 9 were invited to a special event at the University of Warwick; this was in recognition of their hard work participating in the after school English club Transformations. 

    Run by the university, the club was based around the theme of 'Voices' in which the students discussed socio-political issues such as the climate crisis, prejudice and identity. At the end of the programme, all students were invited to submit a creative response - either a speech, poem, story or piece of art work - based on their learning. The three school finalists were Ritik (Year 9), Shante and Dheeraj (both Year 8). 
    When we arrived on campus, we were given a tour of the facilities including state of the art technology, the newly opened Faculty of Arts Building and the library. Next, we had a poetry master class with Nicola Hamer and an awards ceremony for the school and competition finalists.

    We were thrilled to learn that out of the ten schools in the competition and with over ninety entries, Dheeraj was the overall winner for the city! Emma Mason, the head of English at the University of Warwick, spoke passionately about how moving she found Dheeraj's poem, praising his creativity, insight and compassion. 

    I was so impressed by the mature and insightful questions our students were asking the university ambassadors, as well as their excellent behaviour throughout the day. As always, they did the school proud! Thank you to all of the students who participated in Transformations this year.                                                                                                                                                  Miss Stentoff, Teacher of English

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  • Macbeth Performance in School

    Published 16/03/23

    Students in Year 11 had the opportunity to watch a production of Macbeth performed for them in the school hall. It was a wonderful experience, which allowed them to consolidate their study of the play, as well as enjoying the text as Shakespeare intended – aloud! 

    The production was a small team of three actors who used costumes, voice and gestures to play a variety of characters, all while still staying faithful to the text. 

    Many Year 11 students commented that hearing the key quotations in the context of each scene really helped them to understand the impact and meanings intended by the author. 

    After the performance, the actors were kind enough to run a Q&A session where they shared more fascinating insights into the psychology of the characters, contextual links and their own personal interpretations of key scenes. Altogether, it was a great afternoon!                              
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Miss Stentoft Teacher of English

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  • Trees for President Kennedy School

    Published 13/03/23

    President Kennedy School was delighted to welcome colleagues from Hays Education and national charity Trees for Cities to work with selected Bridge and Gateway students to plant a number of trees on the school site as part of the Trees for Schools initiative.

    Trees for Schools is a Trees for Cities programme, which aims to transform urban school grounds into leafy green oases for both the children of today and for future generations. Their award-winning work in schools is delivery-focused and involves transforming school grounds into greener and healthier places to be. They specialise in innovative design, high-quality planting and landscaping, and inclusive engagement of the school community. Working in partnership with children and schools, they create Healthy Playgrounds; urban playgrounds are reimagined and redesigned; with the introduction of trees, forest gardens, food-growing, outside classrooms, woodland play areas, mini-forests and wildlife habitats. Tarmac playgrounds are transformed into natural green environments that are adapted to the changing climate, enabling creative education and connecting children to nature, supporting their mental health and well-being.

    Trees for Cities colleagues were joined by the Hays UK Head of Sustainability, Karen Young, who is working with the President Kennedy School Eco-Council on a challenge to make the school more sustainable over the next 12 months.  Hays Regional colleagues and Rob Bromfield, the school gardener, supported the students in planting a number of young trees within an area of the school identified for 're-wilding' by the Eco-Council and within the Echo Eternal Curriculum Garden featured recently on the BBC 'One Show'.

    The students learnt a great deal about the planting season and care of the trees from Caitlin and Tom from Trees for Cities, who were incredibly impressed with the students' knowledge and engagement, as were Karen, Michelle and Sharni from Hays.

    It is hoped that the relationship with Trees for Cities will continue, and Karen Young will be returning in the Summer Term to assess the progress of the trees and deliver workshops with Year 12 students on 'Ethical Sustainability' as part of their 'Human Dilemma' Ethics Conference in July.

     Mr Mort, Director of the Futures Teaching Alliance

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  • Physics Olympiad

    Published 28/02/23

    2023 has started with celebrations here at President Kennedy School with our Year 13 Physicists achieving success in one of the most challenging Physics competitions in the world - The British Physics Olympiad (BPhO). 

    The BPhO shows a profound depth of development and skill in Physics along with a determination to solve hard physics problems. 

    This paper is a challenge and is not an A Level replica. It is a very tall ladder of skill, ability and preparedness, which students climb until they grind to a halt.

    We are thrilled to announce the results of our Year 13 entries:

    Matthew Taylor achieved Silver. Ismail Rafique achieved Bronze I and Eren Geridonmez acheived Bronze II. Shifa Zaheer and Yusuf Kusum achieved Commendation. 

    Well done to all that took part! 

    Mr Green, Leader of KS5 Science

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  • Coventry Youth Speaks Competition

    Published 28/02/23

    Congratulations to our Year 12 Public Speaking team who claimed first place at the Coventry Youth Speaks competition beating 7 other Coventry schools. Esha Sandhu, Harman Aujla and Harveen Kaur debated the topic, "The jury system is fundamentally flawed in reaching a just verdict". Their 15 minute presentation was flawless throughout and had the audience at Sidney Stringer school transfixed. Well done girls and they can now look forward to the next round with confidence.
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  • Music Showcase

    Published 14/02/23

    On Tuesday night President Kennedy School held it's first Music Showcase since 2019. Students across all years showcased their talent; starting with a Year 7 Samba percussion piece, followed by a variety of modern pop classics including Nirvana and Amy Winehouse, to a jazz ensemble and classical pieces. All students have worked incredibly hard to get to this point - some had only started playing their chosen instruments at the beginning of the year! 

    The music department would like to thank every student and member of staff involved in the Music Showcase for their hard work and commitment. The event was received with rapturous applause, the performances were truly inspirational!
    A wonderful evening from our talented musicians. Thank you!                                                         

    Mr Channer, Leader of Music

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