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  • Post 16 Select - APPLY NOW

    Published 23/11/22

    Apply Online NOW!

    Join our amazing P16 Select cohort and see why learning at our World Class School set's us apart from other sixth forms. Learn from the vast knowledge that our fantastic teachers have, all within a new, purpose-built building (at President Kennedy School).
    Click on the link below to apply and to find out more...

    Apply NOW!

    The closing date for applications is Friday 2nd December 2022

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  • The Bridge Event - Higher Attainer Evening

    Published 21/11/22

    The parents of our Year 7 High Attainer students were invited to attend a parents evening on Wednesday 2nd November, alongside their child. This was an incredibly powerful evening that saw parents and their children come together in a classroom setting to learn and to approach a range of challenging activities, and to increase awareness of strategies that parents can use at home.

    The evening started with a presentation in the hall where parents were given an insight into the provision given to high attainer students both in the classroom and beyond the curriculum. Parents were then invited into classrooms within the Bridge, as part of a carousel, where they were given some challenging tasks to complete alongside their child, in three different and varied subject areas. In English, students were asked to verbally contribute to a number of talking points using sophisticated and formal language, using no banned words. In Science, students were invited to think critically about the use of fossil fuels and renewable energy. In History, students were exposed to a range of activities that would stretch and deepen their thinking through an array of historical sources.

    All students were incredibly engaged during this event, and it was a sheer joy to have parents back through our doors again! A huge thank you to all students in Year 7 and their parents who attended!' 

    Miss Tovey,Teacher of English

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  • Year 7 Perform 'The Tempest' at The Belgrade Theatre

    Published 21/11/22

    On Monday 7th November The cast of Year 7 The Tempest, performed at The Belgrade Theatre as part of the School Shakespeare Festival. They performed alongside two other schools and were fantastic! They experienced the speed needed in a technical and dress rehearsal and displayed their talents on performance night.  Feedback from Ffion, a professional Director and Producer was exceptional: " The cast of The Tempest worked brilliantly as an ensemble with some great ownership of their roles. The musical element helped create the 'magic' of the island. It should be noted that they were so professional and this outlook towards their performance helped turn the magical story into a mesmerising production by a focussed and committed company!

    Mrs Arnett, The Director said: 
    "They were a joy to work with. We only started to rehearse in late September and their enthusiasm was clear from the start. They even came in to rehearse during half-term holidays. I am really proud of all their efforts! Congratulations all!"

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  • Odd Socks Day

    Published 17/11/22

    This week, students across the whole school have engaged in an anti-bullying week as part of the national campaign through the Anti Bullying Alliance. The Anti Bullying Alliance aims to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. Students have engaged in discussions during registration to raise awareness of anti-bullying and students have had a safe and open space to share and reflect on their feelings surrounding the issues of bullying. Students have also been exploring preventative strategies to support in promoting our culture at President Kennedy School that bullying will not be tolerated.

    To start this campaign, students and staff participated in 'Odd Socks Day' to do something positive to counter the hurt that bullying causes. We wanted to help spread the positive message that it’s always possible to reach out and ask for help if students are worried about bullying and celebrate what makes us all unique.                       
                                                                                              Ms Wright, Teacher of Psychology                

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  • Transformations Anthology - Students Get Published!

    Published 24/10/22

    Students in Year 9 and 10 were thrilled to receive copies of their work published in the book ‘Transformations Anthology’ this week. The book features a collection of stories, essays and poetry from schools across the city. The students spent several weeks last year composing, crafting and refining their stories with representatives from the University of Warwick through the after school club ‘Transformations’. 

    Congratulations to Srinithi Thavarasa (Year 9) who won 2nd prize across the city in the competition!

    The students involved were:

    Year 9

    Nabika Subaskaran, Mithula Pushpamohan, Cordelia Akata, Srinithi Thavarasa, Abshara Piratheeban, Yathurshanaa Ravikanthan and Manal Bawazir

    Year 10

    Hubert Leszkiewicz,  Lara Krefta,  Eleanor Whitelock,  Abbie Clarke,  Kasjan Balunda and Zak Khan

    A copy of the book will be available for students to read in the school library.  
    If you are in Year 8 or 9, and would like to participate in the Transformations programme this year, speak to Ms Stentoft on  Wednesday 19th October in F04 at lunchtime.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ms Stentoft, Teacher of English

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  • Costa Rica Expedition

    Published 06/10/22

    On the 5th of July we travelled to Costa Rica. We travelled as a group of 15 consisting of 8 students from President Kennedy School, 4 from Our Lady of Sion Independent School, 2 teachers and our team leader, Anna. 

    Most of us had never met before, fortunately we had plenty of time to bond on a 52(!!) hour journey via the USA, Ecuador and Panama before eventually reaching Costa Rica. 

    We spent 4 weeks travelling around the country, engaging in community development and environmental conservation projects across Costa Rica. Some of the projects included:

    • Reforesting areas of mangroves to help store carbon and mitigate against climate change in Guanacaste.
    • Improving a local community health centre for local residents in Cuajiniquil.
    • Helping with the construction of a community SEND centre to support vulnerable people in Terraba.
    • Building a "monkey bridge" to help with the safe passage of monkeys across a busy road in Cano Negro.
    • A rest and relaxation trip to Monteverde which included a tour of a local coffee plantation and a night hike.

    The trip culminated in an adventure activity where we got the opportunity to qualify as an PADI Open Water Diver. We were lucky enough to see sting rays, octopus and white tip reef sharks during our 3 open water dives in the Pacific Ocean

    Mr Graham, Teacher of Geography and Mrs Elliot, Teacher of History

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  • Robot Wars!

    Published 29/09/22

    ‘On 20th July President Kennedy hosted 5 schools for a Robot Wars competition. Barr’s Hill, Stoke Park, Camp Hill Primary, Keresley Newlands and Sherbourne Fields all built their own robots and took part in various activities. 

    President Kennedy School won the overall competition with ‘The Cheese Block’ which was designed and built by Year 9 student Tyler Staude. In addition to the battles there were various activities that involved testing the robots agility and the drivers control.

    Each Robot was designed and built by students using 3D printers that were given to us by Arup and the designing and building process was supported by engineers from Arup. 

    This was all set up by Russell Smith of Arup. The competition will run again this year and will be expanded to include more schools and Robots.

    Thank you to Russell and to all the schools who took part’

    Mr Ratcliffe-Law, Teacher of Science and STEM

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  • Year 8 Rugby Team off to a Flying Start!

    Published 29/09/22

    The Year 8 Rugby team started their season on Wednesday night with a game against Princethorpe. The boys continued where they left off last season, and had too much pace and power for their opponents to handle. President Kennedy School win 45-5.

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  • Welcome Year 7!

    Published 12/09/22

    What an impression Year 7 have made so far. 
    Our new Year 7 arrived looking absolutely wonderful in their President Kennedy School blazers. 

    They have already demonstrated great independence, maturity, as well as showcasing our school ethos of PRIDE through impeccable manners, resilience in adapting to their new environment and their kind attitude towards each other. I can honestly say it already feels like they have been here for months. What a truly amazing year group. 

    I look forward to seeing them thrive with us here in The Bridge.                                                                                         Mrs Alexander–Weller, Director of the Bridge

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  • Queen Elizabeth II 1926 -2022

    Published 08/09/22

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  • GCSE Results - Students Grades Remain Consistently High

    Published 25/08/22

    Students achieve fantastic grades this year at President Kennedy School - Omio Bhattacharjee, Nathan Rhodes, Connor Hoyle and Esha Sandhu gained 9s across the board!!

     Well done to ALL our students...

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  • A'Level Success! A*students at President Kennedy school!

    Published 18/08/22

    Outstanding A level results combined with strong links with universities every student leaving President Kennedy School’s Post 16 secures a place in higher education, or on their chosen path to building a brighter future!

    With students such as Zak who will be travelling to tomorrow the U.S.A to embark on his part of his life at Harvard. Zak obtained three A*s in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, History, and an A in Physics.  

    Kush gained received three A* In Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics. Aliza's A* was in English Literature and also got an A in History.

    Zach acquired an A in both English literature and Religious Studies.

    The students pictured in the main photo;  Jivan, Ellen, Eesha and Amberlea all secured A's in a number of subjects including English Literature, Mathematics Italian and Psychology.

    Well done to all PKS Year 13 students...we wish you well for the next chapter in your lives! 

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