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  • We Will Rock You - A Sell Out Success!

    Published 21/07/22

    The cast of 90 students performed We Will Rock You - young @parts at The Albany Theatre to a sold-out audience last Thursday. The atmosphere was amazing! The students were professional, kind and a joy to work with. The talent shown was incredible! 

    Such an amazing evening finished off with very special performance from staff and students to thank Mr Clayton for being a great headteacher and to wish him well on his retirement. Thanks to all that came to watch! We're extremely proud of every student who took part. MASSIVE WELL DONE!                                                                                                                                                                                   Miss Walsh, Leader of Performing Arts            


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  • Zak - Harvard Bound!

    Published 18/07/22

    The Journey to Harvard

    Zak Adams gains place to study at prestigious Ivy League University

    Zak Adams from President Kennedy School has gained a place to study at Harvard University, the oldest institution of higher education in the U.S.A and one of the world’s most acclaimed and competitive institutions.

    Zak joined President Kennedy School in September 2015 and from the outset consistently demonstrated an enthusiasm for learning both in and outside of a classroom setting. After an excellent performance at GCSE level, he has successfully gained four A Levels in History, Maths, Further Maths and Physics with grades A*A*A*A. and following a gruelling selection process will be travelling to the U.S.A to embark on his chosen Mathematics course.

    His talents in both his academic studies and in his extracurricular pursuits were apparent from the outset and his consistent involvement in his school and wider community, combined with self-motivation and determination enabled him to stand out in the complex selection process. Academic excellence alone was not sufficient for Zak to secure his place and during his time at the school he has gone above and beyond to demonstrate his various skills and talents, not only linked to his subjects but also in his extra-curricular pursuits. Whilst gaining the most prestigious award for outstanding achievement in school, Zak was also one of 50 national winners in the Isaac Physics Award run in conjunction with the University of Cambridge. President Kennedy School have always supported Zak in the pursuit of his interests and this can be demonstrated in his involvement in the World Class Schools programme, forming an integral part of the school’s success in securing World Class school status, working collaboratively with his peers in developing presentations. In addition, he demonstrated a strong empathy towards other students who have been challenged educationally through either physical or mental disability in both his role as a Health and Well Being Ambassador and his involvement in a collaborative project with Sherbourne Fields school. Zak constantly aspired to learn more beyond the school curriculum and it is this thirst for knowledge which made him stand out. He applied himself diligently as a Performing Arts student being actively involved in both acting and dancing from the age of eleven up to the present day. He has won film awards as part of a team in several other countries, including an award for ‘Best Short Film’ at the San Diego Film Festival. He has also been part of a Young Entertainer team gaining first place and a subsequent special recognition award.

    Zak is so much more than an outstanding mathematician and his academic excellence is only a part of what has led to his well-deserved success. Zak successfully combined his ability, passion, a desire to help others and a clear vision of the greater future purpose of his subject to gain this very much deserved opportunity. He was prepared to step outside of his comfort zone to learn more and was not averse to risk taking if he believed that his actions would have a positive impact on others. Zak fully embraced all opportunities presented to him both in and outside of school and he is now set to have a bright future in leading and inspiring others and we wish him every success from President Kennedy School.

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  • D of E Gold Award Students Finally Visit Buckingham Palace!

    Published 28/06/22

    Five alumni students were invited to a day at Buckingham Palace to collect their Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award.   

    The students completed the Award back in July 2018 but due to Covid-19 their presentation ceremony had been delayed.  
    Due to the back-log of Awards, places were limited and so no school representative was able to attend, but the group soaked in the atmosphere and enjoyed their special day.    

    Miss Kirkham,
    Centre Manager for Duke of Edinburgh's Award


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  • Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award Practice Expedition

    Published 20/06/22

    Six Year 12 students made a trip to Snowdonia National Park to complete their practice expedition as part of their Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

    With mixed weather on the first day and some tricky navigational elements in the forest, the group arrived at camp just before dark to fight off the midges and quickly get their tents up, make dinner and get some much-needed sleep.

    After heavy rain during the night, the group were greeted with blue skies on the morning of the second day's walk. With support from myself and DofE Leader Mrs Sly, the group worked on their skills for navigating in wild country, using a compass to take a bearing in order to get to a significant point on the map. By lunchtime, the group were confident to use the morning's teaching to navigate themselves across the hills and rest of their route that day. The group made excellent progress with precise timings across the distance, reaching the check-point within minutes of their estimation, giving themselves a more relaxed evening cooking and relaxing with some card games (and a little exam revision) at the campsite.


    Another night of rain before the final day did not deter the group to get up early and prepare for the final day's walk. A windy but spectacularly picturesque walk across Conwy mountain to finish the expedition left the group with a feeling of pride and relief before a sleepy minibus journey home.

    Over the course of the three day expedition, all students were a credit to the school, conducting themselves with real pride and maturity which was commented on by a number of members of the local community. Well done Year 12!

    The group will now begin to plan their final Gold Award expedition which we hope will take place in October 2022. 




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  • City of Culture - a Link with Kingston

    Published 20/06/22

     As part of City of Culture, a group of Year 10 students had the opportunity to work on different workshops ran by the 'Twin Studios' Project. 

    The Twin Studios Project is an organisation working to connect Coventry and its 26 twin cities through music, media, and the arts.  


    The first workshop was a music producing and lyric writing session ran by Feisty and Urban Monk and the second workshop was working with Social Media Influencer Funny Francis. 

    Students really enjoyed the opportunity so thank you to everyone involved in the sessions. 
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mrs Twyman, Head of Languages

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  • Creative Climate Change Project

    Published 09/06/22

    It is an immense pleasure to have been working with President Kennedy School pupils. The Year 9s have shown themselves to be thoughtful, creative and caring young people and we have thoroughly enjoyed each session. Time seems to evaporate in that studio! We have a lot left to do but we are excited about what we can achieve.

    Our project has used drama, dance and digital arts to explore the often gloomy and overwhelming topic of climate change. The pupils have been working as co-researchers, alongside the Warwick academics Dr Rachel Turner-King and Dr Bobby Smith as well as artists Charlotte Hale-Smith (Flux), and Luke Newbold from Lens Change Ltd. 


    For the first few weeks, we explored our connections to local and global places, they used their bodies to interpret complex scientific vocabulary and we invited them to discuss key issues connected to climate change and environmental pollution. 

    They have been producing mini-verbatim scripts about why different particular ‘lands’ matters to them and are devising group movement and experimenting with creative writing techniques. Throughout this process, we are developing their sense of playfulness, risk-taking, peer-peer trust and self-confidence – key factors in adolescents’ social and emotional development.

     Alongside this, we visited President Kennedy School's unique and inspiring ‘Curriculum Garden’. We were lucky enough to meet the gardener, Rob and the Year 9s interviewed him after their tour. Their questions were thoughtful and led to a rich conversation. We hope to meet with Rob again and continue to use the garden as a creative resource for our work.

    Throughout this process, the researchers and artists are working with digital artist and web designer Ashley James Brown who, alongside videographer Luke, is documenting and translating the Year 9’s creative work into an online educational resource that can inspire other teachers, young people and arts practitioners. We are excited to be doing one of our final workshops with the young people at Warwick University’s new Faculty of Arts Building on Thursday 23rd June. 


    It is also our hope that the young people will join us to share the first phase of this at an international conference held at Warwick University in July. Not only this, but the project is connected to a wider international research study into ‘eco-citizenship’ with other young people based in Canada, Taiwan, Greece, Colombia and India. Some of the President Kennedy School students have been invited to join a virtual Global Drama Club which involves meeting young people in India to share their different experiences and ideas about climate change.


      Rachel Turner-King, Assistant Professor,Creativity, Performance and Education, Education Studies, University of Warwick

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  • Matilda Jr - Year 7 Perform to a Spellbound Audience!

    Published 16/05/22

    Outstanding performances from Year 7 students, who took to the stage in The Bridge production of MATILDA Jr.

    The talent displayed was incredible. The students worked so hard and were a joy to teach. They were professional, disciplined, committed and above all, kind! The cast were simply AMAZING
    The school theatre was at full capacity; a wonderful audience comprising of staff, families, friends, students and community members, all which conjured up a fantastic atmosphere for the first time since the pandemic began.

    Thanks to all who came to watch. I am extremely proud of all the cast! Well done.                          

                                                        Miss Walsh, Leader of Performing Arts 

    Hello, my name is Izzy, and I was picked to be the lead role, Matilda. This experience has made unbreakable friendships and I have grown a lot in confidence as a person. I have really enjoyed this experience and have improved on my acting, singing and dancing skills. This will take me further on in life and one day, I might even become a famous actor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Izzy Wheeler - Matilda 

    This whole show experience has changed my life. It has made me realise what I want to do in my future. I always thought that I would never have the confidence to stand up in front of a crowd and perform, but thanks to all the support around me I was able to do this. 
    A special thanks to Miss Karolina, Miss Danni and especially to Miss Kelly.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ella - Adora Adejinmi - Miss Trunchbull

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  • Your Future Roadshow

    Published 16/05/22

    This week, our Year 10 students had the opportunity to participate in the 'Your Future Roadshow'. 

    This event aims to support young people with providing impartial advice so that they are able to make well-informed decisions about their future education. 

    Students had the opportunity to engage in four workshops learning about Higher Education, Further Education (College and Sixth Forms), Apprenticeships and T Levels and preparing for the World of Work.

    Feedback from the external providers was very positive – they commented on the great interaction and interest shown by our students.                                   Mrs Fawcett, Careers Leader

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  • Holocaust Survivor Peter Lantos Makes a Memorable Visit to President Kennedy School

    Published 04/05/22

    President Kennedy staff and students were privileged to welcome Holocaust Survivor Peter Lantos (83) to school to officially open the Echo Eternal Curriculum Garden.  

    Since 2019 the school has participated in the national Echo Eternal Project, a commemorative arts, media and civic engagement project, led by CORE Education Trust and delivered in schools for children of all ages, inspired by the testimony of British survivors of the Holocaust and survivors of 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. 

    The project brings together diverse communities in a collaborative context, using a common focus of Holocaust memorial and genocide awareness. As part of the project, the school was gifted the testimony of Peter Lantos.  By the age of 30, Peter Lantos had survived Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, was beaten by the Communist police in Hungary, qualified in medicine, defected to England, sentenced to imprisonment for this “crime” in his absence and had established a career in academic medicine in London. Peter arrived in London with a small suitcase and a few pounds in October 1968 and then embarked on a career in Medical Sciences which spanned some 34 years, during which he contributed to the understanding of diseases of the nervous system. He has become internationally known and was elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences.
    As part of the project, students were supported by colleagues from Birmingham Royal Conservatoire to create an artistic multi-media response to Peter's testimony and to share his story with as wide an audience as possible.  

    In 2020, the students created a video entitled 'Make the best out of the worst', which can be viewed on YouTube by following the link 

    As a pledge to Echo Eternal and to create a lasting 'echo' to dynamically commemorate Peter's gifted testimony, President Kennedy School, with the support of school gardener Rob Bromfield, have created an Echo Eternal garden that features key elements of Peter's amazing story of survival at Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, such as cherry and apple trees.

    Peter was invited to the school on Monday and met with colleagues and students from President Kennedy and Parkgate schools, the Futures Trust and invited guests from Hays Education and CORE Education Trust, including CORE CEO Adrian Packer CBE.  Students from years 6-13 presented poems and experiences of engaging with Peter's testimony within the school curriculum and Peter shared memories of his childhood and the Holocaust in a truly evocative and inspiring day.  Peter was then invited to plant a cherry tree in the Echo Eternal Curriculum Garden.

    We would like to thank all of the students for their participation in the project and their involvement in the day and thank Peter for his visit to the school.  We would also like to thank Rob Bromfield for his fantastic work and commitment to planning and creating the garden, a lasting legacy to Peter's gifted testimony.  Peter will hopefully return in the Summer to see the garden in full bloom and enjoy and engage in its further development.  

    Peter, upon his return, wrote to the school and said;

    'First of all I should thank Rob, the staff and students for all you have done: for the garden which has so many details related to my book Parallel Lines or our exchange of emails; the onions, the Cox apple tree and the cherry tree. Thank you for the beautiful parting presents which, with other mementoes, will remind me of my unforgettable day in Coventry'. 

    President Kennedy School thank Peter for the gift of his testimony and promise that it will act as a 'light in the darkness' to guide the school and its community, now and in the future, to continue to stand up to and act against hate, intolerance and injustice wherever it may exist.                 

    Mr Mort, Director Futures Teaching Alliance


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  • Matilda Jr -Tickets still available!

    Published 04/05/22

    Matilda Jr

    There are some tickets left for Thursday 5th May and Friday 6th May at 7pm.... £3 adult | £2 Child

    Don't miss out!

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  • World Class Schools Assessment Centre Success for President Kennedy School!

    Published 28/04/22

    On 17th March 2022 Houlton School, a brand-new free school in Rugby, hosted the World Class Schools Quality Mark (WCSQM) Assessment Centre, welcoming 175 students from 30 primary and secondary schools applying for WCSQM re-accreditation. With President Kennedy re-accrediting to retain World Class School status this year, six of our students headed to Houlton school with a view to proving that they are #WorldClass. This opportunity allowed these students – Gracie Rolinson, Arya Bassi, Abshara Piratheeban, Finlay Lomas, Ethan Moongo and Cyrus Mathur – to showcase the skills and competencies that young people need to thrive in an ever-changing global economy.

    This year’s assessment centre project that students were given two weeks to prepare for, and a day to complete, was to create innovative, attractive, and environmentally friendly outdoor and indoor spaces, incorporating the Houlton values. As part of Team 8, President Kennedy was tasked with creating a sign that represented the ethos and values of Dorsey college – one of the six inaugural Year 7 colleges at Houlton School.

    This challenging real-life project gave students a unique opportunity to not only develop and demonstrate their World Class characteristics, but to enjoy a much-needed return to the social development, work experience and collaboration opportunities students have missed out on over the past two years.

    “It’s so exciting for us to be able to bring students back together, to see them actively collaborating and forging a team bond across schools and year groups.” 
    Miranda Perry, WCSQM Director

    With an immense amount of planning in the two weeks prior to the assessment day, along with an incredible amount of resilience on the day, we are pleased to announce that our students passed the Assessment Centre with flying colours. A huge well done to the students involved who, throughout the day, showed fantastic drive, pride and determination. Our WCS assessor was impressed with the meticulous planning skills that President Kennedy School had shown prior to the day, along with our ability to collaborate with our team and the other teams taking part in other projects. 

    Below are some of the comments that our WCS assessor made about our students work on the day:
    “Gracie sent all of the necessary emails to convey messages to the whole group which enabled the team to get things done in an efficient and timely manner.”

    “Arya formed a positive relationship with other research analysts before the meeting and was thoughtful of other students’ questions towards the group of student advisors.”

    “Abshara explained how the tweets incorporated on the sign were diverse. They explained how this was important to the design as it ensured the sign catered for the diverse range of pupils who attend the school. This demonstrates a great understanding of the importance of valuing different people’s beliefs, values, attitudes and customs.”

    “Finlay, who was the Presentation Coordinator, was agile in response to the changing needs of different members of the team. For example, towards the end of the project they helped the team complete the sign. Without this action, the sign may not have been complete for the deadline.”
    “Ethan took on the role of adding the names of the inaugural students’ names to the sign as he had the most suitable skill set for this task. This enabled the project to be completed efficiently.”

    “I was impressed by Cyrus who took it upon himself to communicate between team members when in different locations to ensure students knew what was happening in both the base room and the STEM room.”

    As the assessment centre is one of a two-part re-accreditation process, the second part involves students using the WCSQM online app to demonstrate their World Class characteristics across a number of areas including learning, leadership, the workplace and community. 

    Keep posted for the outcome of the final stage of our 
    re-accreditation, which will be announced and formally awarded at the WCS annual Symposium on the 6th of July at Marylebone School! 

    It is our students at President Kennedy that make our school #WorldClass.                                                     

    Miss Tovey, Teacher of English

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  • Year 7 Success at the Coventry Schools Tournament

    Published 31/03/22

    The Year 7 Rugby team, played in the Coventry Schools tournament on Tuesday night at Bablake playing fields. In the group games President Kennedy School beat Finham 20-0, Newman 20-5 and BKHS 'B' 30 - 5. 

    This meant we won the group and played Coundon Court in the semi finals who we then beat 20-5, this set up a final vs BKHS 'A', this proved to be an exciting final with President Kennedy School taking the lead half way into the game, the President Kennedy School defence then worked tirelessly to halt the BKHS attack, unfortunately, with the last play of the game BKHS scored in the corner to tie the game. 

    The trophy is shared for 6 months each and it truly was an outstanding effort by President Kennedy School.

    Mr Garlick, P.E Department

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